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riva star kit


Tooth sensitivity eliminator

Riva Star contains three powerful components to reduce tooth sensitivity, combining the action of fluoride and silver with the patented booster effect of potassium iodide to provide instantaneous relief to hypersensitive teeth. Unlike other silver fluoride, Riva Star’s two step patented procedure minimises the risk of staining. By applying the potassium iodide solution over the silver fluoride, a silver iodide creamy white precipitate is formed and then turns clear.

Two years and beyond desensitising effect – A clinical study supports the immediate effect after one application with Riva Star, desensitisation lasts for 2 years.1 The silver fluoride and potassium iodide in Riva Star blocks the microscopic tubules that make up dentine. A low-solubility precipitate is formed that gives instant relief.


1 Clinical evaluation of a diamine silver fluoride/potassium iodide as a dentine desensitizing agent: 2-year follow up. Craig G G – 2014.

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